No One Cares

How much weight did so-and-so put on the bar?

What’s their PR?

Who Rx’d the WOD?

It doesn’t matter.

Sometimes we’re tempted to measure ourselves by others. This applies not only to our workouts but to other areas of our life as well. We define success by the achievements of others. While that’s ok when looking to see what may be possible, it’s important not to fall into the trap of thinking that others judge us by the same criteria. Here’s the magic secret:

No one cares.

Most people aren’t even looking. They are focused only on their own efforts and battling their own demons. That’s not to say everyone is self-absorbed. Sure, some people are, but that’s not our problem. The problem is when we beat ourselves up over metrics that don’t matter. It’s almost impossible to judge yourself based on the accomplishments of others because we all start at different points.

If two people became millionaires, but one started with $999,999, it’s not a fair comparison. When setting standards for yourself, use universal metrics: did you give it your all? Were your actions just and true? Was it better than yesterday, even by just 1%?

Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. – Marcus Aurelius

When you stop comparing yourself to others, you will find a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. With this weight removal, you find freedom, flexibility, and control. It frees you to the point where you can finally see what you are capable of.

Today’s Tasks

Don’t forget to complete today’s tasks for the challenge.

  • Drink 1 gallon of water
  • Workout for 45 minutes
  • Read ten pages from your book
  • Stick to your meal plan
  • Meditate
  • Hit that cold shower if you haven’t yet!

Once completed, head to the tracking site and mark them as completed to track your progress for the challenge.