Follow Your Meal Plan

Daily task number 4 is to follow your meal plan, whatever that may be (unless it’s the Cheetos, Slim Jim, and Redbull plan, then it’s a hard no). This task won’t appear on your daily task list until the end of week one. During week one, you’ll learn about different meal plans, how to calculate calorie intake, and designing your meal plan. Since you won’t have that information at the start of the challenge, initially, it doesn’t make sense to have that on your daily task list.

You will also learn about standard diet plans such as paleo, keto, whole food, and macros. We will also debunk some marketing myths about nutrition and talk about the forbidden fourth macro (but no hints here, you’ll have to follow along in the challenge to learn about it).

Why is this part of the challenge?

Good nutrition is the foundation of everything. Hippocrates stated “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Unfortunately, the details of making that a reality are a bit more complex, so we spend the first few weeks of this challenge learning the basics of good nutrition. Changing your diet can help you shape your body, but it can also help you sleep better, have more energy, and increase your mental focus.