Read 10 Pages Each Day

targets targets

Sorry, but Fabio is going to have to wait. Task #3 on your daily list is to read ten pages of a nonfiction book. Romance novels, Harry Potter, and Scooby Doo coloring books are all out.

Which books to read

Anything that feeds your brain and helps you grow. Personal and business development are great candidates. Learn how to do that thing you’ve always wanted to do or launch that side business you’ve always dreamt of. Topics like philosophy, communication, and entrepreneurship are great examples as well. If you don’t know where to start, below you’ll find 21 books that have impacted me most significantly.

Why is this part of the challenge?

It may seem counter-intuitive for the challenge, but you’ll see it fits right in upon further investigation. Reading ten pages per day is hard. Much like task #2: workout for 45 minutes every day, this task forces you to prioritize what is important and disregard the rest. Reading nonfiction also helps your mind grow. A common misconception is that learning is over once you have graduated from school. Nothing could be further from the truth. Graduating means that the learning has just begun. Still, thanks to an endless attention war for our time from news, social media, work, and other obligations, most of us never incorporate continuing education into our daily routine.

How to choose a book

Pick one. They’re all good. The best part is if you start one and don’t like it, put it down and choose another. I would pick a topic you are interested in, but if you don’t regularly read, I would avoid heavy topics. For example, if you’ve always wanted to learn to write code but have never done so, Advanced Artificial Intelligence Algorithms might be a challenging start. Don’t forget about the public library, either. Not only do they have thousands of books to choose from, but they are also equipped with a staff of librarians who are thrilled to help someone find the perfect book.

21 books to choose from

  1. As A Man Thinketh James Allen
  2. Can’t Hurt Me David Goggins
  3. How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes Peter Schiff
  4. Man’s Search For Meaning Viktor Frankl
  5. Managing Your Mind Gillian Butler, Nick Grey, Tony Hope
  6. Money: Master the Game Tony Robbins
  7. Never Split the Difference Chris Voss
  8. Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise Anders Ericsson
  9. Principles Ray Dalio
  10. Ready, Fire, Aim Michael Masterson
  11. The 4-Hour Workweek Tim Ferriss
  12. The 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene
  13. The 50th Law 50 Cent
  14. The Hard Thing About Hard Things Ben Horowitz
  15. The Obstacle is the Way Ryan Holiday
  16. The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance Steven Kotler
  17. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck Mark Manson
  18. The War of Art Steven Pressfield
  19. The Way of Men Jack Donovan
  20. Think And Grow Rich Napolean Hill
  21. Unbeatable Mind Mark Divine