
Instinct is the opposite of science: research tells you what others have learned, and instinct tells you what you have learned. – Tim Grover

This book does not contain the answers you are looking for. No book does. There are seven billion people alive on this planet at this very moment and seven billion different correct answers. However, this book shows you the principles of living a balanced life. With those principles, you can allow your instinct to take over and confidently make decisions that drive you toward your goals. No longer will you actively scour the Internet for the latest trend or fad, promising to solve “Problem X” in 10 easy steps. I can show you the way, but you must forge the path on your own.

You can stop reading here if you are looking for a guru-authored guide on creating a balanced, happy, fulfilling life. If, on the other hand, you want the tools to cast your own perfect life… keep reading.

In the following pages, we will address some complex issues, some taboo issues, and some solutions to those that fall outside the mainstream, politically correct narrative. Think of it this way: in your hands, you are holding the owner’s manual to the human body you didn’t get from the dealership. An owner’s manual won’t teach you how to overhaul the engine but instead explains the day-to-day operation of the vehicle and describes the warning indicators letting you know it’s time to seek out a mechanic. This book includes physical and nutritional components. Only you and your doctor know your health situation. Consult your doctor before beginning to address any concerns or risk factors.

There’s nothing magical here. I have no “super secret formula” suppressed by the Government and Big Pharma. This is all stuff we should have known all along. But we don’t, so let’s get started changing that.

In addition to learning how to operate your new human body, you’ll be presented with challenges and tasks to complete. These are designed to reinforce the concepts presented in this book and to shift your mindset from focusing on winning a distant goal to winning the day. Distant goals are recipes for disaster. If you miss the goal, you’ve likely spent much of the time leading up to it, off-course as well. Winning the day, however, is short enough to be measurable and long enough to be effective. You create a winning streak if you win several days in a row. This creates motivation. Wins start stacking up, creating a winning week. Those turn into winning months that lead to winning years, ultimately leading to a winning life. One day at a time. And that’s all we have anyway, right? One day. There are no guarantees for a tomorrow.